Interview with Dr. Edra C. Bogle, a university professor, concerning her experiences in the development of the Women's Studies Program at the University of North Texas. Early interest in women writers; experiences concerning job discrimination; activities with National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1970s; introduction of women authors into her literature courses; activities with the Dallas Gay Political Alliance in 1970s; role in establishment of Gay and Lesbian Association of Denton (Texas) in 1970s; public acknowledgment of being a lesbian, 1978; personal and professional conflict with James W. Lee, chair of the UNT English Department; early stages of the Women's Studies Program, 1988; early courses about women in course offerings of the English Department; her appointment as coordinator of the Women's Studies Program, 1992; coordination of course offerings in women's studies; establishment of a specific course in women's studies, 1994; relationship of gay and multicultural issues to women's studies; views on integrating women's issues into regular survey courses; unsuccessful attempt to establish a women's center; her resignation as coordinator of the Women's Studies Program, 1994, and her replacement by Barbara Rodman; her overall relations with Nora Kizer Bell, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; her relationship with Barbara Rodman; problem of homophobia and how to deal with it; men's role in the feminist movement.